Saturday, July 11, 2009

A thousand pardons, but I ask again, what is an evangelical? And more importantly, can a person be saved and somehow, for some reason or set of reasons, NOT be an evangelical actually? Aren't being saved and being an evangelical the same thing? Doesn't becoming saved MAKE a person an automatic evangelical? The reason I ask, is that I have been encountering people who a) seem to possess a knowledge and trust and confidence in Jesus Christ for their salvation, b) seem to at least appreciate the Bible if not daily reading it, c) seem to generate some sense of "fruit" in their character and daily decisions. And yet they either 1) do not know about evangelicalism or 2) do not like evangelicalism, or some aspect thereof or 3) are so basic-minded that they are not aware/interested in ANY "ism." So can a person like that be a regenerate disciple of Jesus Christ?


Sandy said...

Sure, I think so.

Unknown said...

Is that a serious question, Neil? It seems that to assert the contrary - that in order to be saved, one must be, not a Christian, but an evangelical - is the very height of spiritual pride. Can only Evangelicals follow Jesus? Can only Evangelicals trust him for salvation?

I know, there are those who would answer those last two questions in the affirmative. That saddens me.

Rev. Dr. Neil Damgaard said...

No self-respecting or God-fearing evangelical would ever endorse spiritual pride. That is the antithesis of being a Christian. Nonetheless, evangelicalism presupposes salvation. I suppose a person could assert an evangelical stance and yet not have really met Jesus. But barring that, the very core or being an evangelical is the person's assurance in the completed work of Christ. But the inability of the 'Ism" part of it to close the deal with some people makes me realize again that God is not limited to human affiliations. His grace knows no boundaries. Of this I am sure.

Unknown said...

Well, amen to that, and-
wait. Why are you awake at 4:36am?

Sandy said...

So you still working on this topic. I've said all I'm going to say on that... new topic? Like, should evangelicals vacation on cruise ships?